Acrosser, 2017 to 2018 Retrospect and Prospects for In-Vehicle PCs

Telematics, an interdisciplinary field that encompasses telecommunications, vehicular technologies, road transportation, road safety, electrical engineering (sensors, instrumentation, wireless communications, etc.), and computer science (multimedia, Internet, etc.); is a very important part of IoT (Internet-of-Things). As a member of Intel IoT Solutions Alliance, acrosser will continue to invest more resources in researching and developing In-Vehicle PC products and solutions which play key roles in Telematics applications. Moreover, Acrosser will integrate hardware and third-party software together to provide all its customers with total solutions for their telematics projects.

Typically, Acrosser In-Vehicle PCs are utilized in fleet management, route planning, driver coaching, vehicle location tracking, passenger infotainment systems, onboard surveillance, telemedicine implementation, fuel economy, and in lowering overall costs. For 2018, Acrosser Technology will expand its In-Vehicle PC applications to include other markets such as the railway and train markets. To meet the special needs of these markets, Acrosser will integrate PoE (Power-over-Ethernet) solutions to its 2018 new In-Vehicle PC product line which facilitates faster deployment of mobile networking on vehicles by eliminating the need for power outlets at every end-point.

Currently, Acrosser In-Vehicle Computers feature Powered by Intel® Core i™, Intel Pentium™, and Intel® Atom™ CPUs. Every product is built with remarkable quality, designed to successfully survive rugged environments, and all models provide unique features and functions to cater to various industries. Moreover, all Acrosser In-Vehicle PCs are designed to meet and fulfill every need and requirements from customers in accomplishing the desired results of efficient Telematics.

For more details about Acrosser In-Vehicle PC products, please check the following:
1. In-Vehicle PCs

2. In-Vehicle Touch Monitors

3. In-Vehicle PC Accessories

Acrosser Technology not only provides In-Vehicle Computer products with high reliability and availability but also with the best scalability and manageability in the industry. Acrosser Technology is your best choice for building Telematics applications in today’s IoT environment.

For more product information and availability, please send your inquiry at:


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In response to growing pressure to boost the performance

Embedded PC, in vehicle PC, Industrial PC

In response to growing pressure to boost the performance and trim down the size of embedded applications, standards organizations meet regularly to optimize their portfolios in light of the latest available technology. These updated standards take advantage of new silicon architecture combining multiple processors, graphics elements, and complex I/O to deliver the next generation of preengineered, off-the-shelf modules to support many of the high-performance requirements of embedded product development.

These standardized computer platforms allow designers to trade in substantial savings in Non-Recurring Engineering (NRE) and scheduling for slightly higher recurring costs. Standards-based designs also shortcut the software development effort by providing access to compatible operating systems, vendor-supplied drivers, and sample firmware.

In the Strategies section of this issue, we asked experts from several standards organizations to bring us up to date on the latest changes affecting embedded designs. Starting things off, Jim Blazer, CTO at RTD Embedded Technologies and active member of the PC/104 Consortium, presents the history and updates in work – such as the latest generation of PCI Express – that support the PC/104 stackable architecture. Citing the need for smaller and more rugged building blocks, Alexander Lockinger, President of the Small Form Factor Special Interest Group (SFF-SIG) and CTO at Ascend Electronics, covers the trends and new products to expect in 2013. In addition, Jerry Gipper, Director of Marketing at VITA and Editorial Director ofVITA Technologies magazine, reports on the recent Embedded Tech Trends 2013 meeting aboard the Queen Mary and standards work in progress, plus some new technologies such as optical interconnects.