Networking Appliance

acrosser provides high quality network server hardware/network appliance for Network security applications such as UTM, firewall, VPN, gateway security and VOIP. Products include multiple Giga bit Ethernet ports in 1U/2U rack mount, micro box and desktop form factors. Scalable performance includes Intel Atom, Core 2 Duo, Core i with single core up to quad core.

Low Power Consumption Solution

AR-B8172 is equipped with Vortex86DX is a low power consumption platform. Vortex86DX’s power consumption is 2~3 Watts and the total power consumption of AR-B8172 under full-loading near 6 Watts. AR-B8172 also offers VGA output, two serial ports and four USB for basic IO requirement. AR-B8172 will be an ideal solution for embedded application which need lower CPU performance and less IO in harsh environment.